What is a hysteroscopy?

Hysteroscopy is an endoscopic technique that allows the visualization of interior of the uterine cavity through a camera inserted into the vagina and through the cervix to reach the interior of the uterus. This camera is connected to an external screen that allows the surgeon to control and manage it.

Hysteroscopy can be diagnostic, in which a thinner surgical material allows visualizing the uterine cavity and diagnosing possible alterations such as malformations, polyps, fibroids, adhesions, etc. It also permits the performance of endometrial biopsies that will help in the diagnosis of possible endometrial problems, such as endometritis.

Surgical hysteroscopy uses larger material, to permit the insertion of micro-forceps or micro-scissors in order to remove polyps or fibroids, to be able to repair certain uterine malformations and remove adhesions. This type of hysteroscopy also allows obtaining endometrial biopsies.

Depending on the type and duration of the hysteroscopy, it may be indicated with or without sedation, to avoid discomfort for patients. But in any case, it is an outpatient technique, after which the patient can return home and back to their normal activity in a short period of time.

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