Ovulation induction

It is not unfrequent that tests requested in the basic study come back with normal results, and then we cannot offer the couple a clear diagnosis of the origin of their infertility.

However, even if all initial results are correct, we can offer some treatments to try to shorten the waiting time until pregnancy is achieved.

A simple treatment is to monitor the woman’s ovulation to program sexual intercourse. This treatment involves performing serial ultrasounds, every 2-3 days, during the first days of the menstrual cycle, that is, from the first days after menstruation. During these controls the growth of the dominant follicle and the endometrium can be tracked and once the dominant follicle reaches 17-20 mm, which usually happens in the middle of the woman’s cycle, it is ready for ovulation.

Ovulation can take place spontaneously or it can be scheduled with the help of medication. This programming will allow us to control the exact moment of ovulation and to guide more directly the days on which sexual intercourse should have place.

In the event that there is no menstruation at the expected time, about 15 days after ovulation, a pregnancy test should be performed.

This treatment can be useful in young couples with normal results in the studies performed and with a short time of sterility.

Your specialist in assisted reproduction will guide you on whether this treatment is appropriate for you.

Posted in Blog, Treatments.