The first fertility visit is an important moment as it is the starting point of the assisted reproductive treatments.
This first visit is often a cause of anguish for patients who have doubts about what the diagnosis will be or whether invasive or painful tests will be performed. Usually in the first visit there is a first contact between the patients and the doctor, the detailed medical history of the patients is made, reviewing the personal history and chronic treatments that they may be taking, as well as the family history that may have an implication in their current problem (genetic alterations, family history of early menopause …). In addition, the reproductive history is analysed (previous pregnancies or abortions, fertility treatments carried out …) in an attempt to investigate the essential points about fertility problems.
This first visit often includes an ultrasound of the woman as well. Usually it is an ultrasound performed transvaginally and that will inform your doctor about the uterus and the ovarian reserve, as well as other possible problems that may exist in the female internal genital tract. It is a painless procedure for the patient and it provides very valuable information to guide the rest of the complementary tests.
The first visit ends with the indication to carry out the appropriate complementary tests, which will help complete the diagnosis and define the treatment. In the event that there are no additional tests to be performed or if they have already been provided at this visit, it may be that a diagnosis has already been obtained, which would allow direct treatment to begin as soon as possible.